Thinking + Insight
Could AI Education Software Transform The Future Of Education?

If the education system is outdated and a need for personalised teaching is growing, is AI software for schools the solution? Let’s talk about it!
Kite, the world’s first AI-led education system, could change the way we learn. The traditional education system is often considered a one-size-fits-all approach. And this just doesn’t work for all students. But if we apply design, innovation, and AI to the education system, perhaps Kite could transform the way lessons are taught, and students are assessed.
Secondary Education Is Outdated – So What’s The Answer?
During a Hackathon, we posed the question; How might we revolutionise the learning system to improve success and student well-being? Here’s what we found out…
First of all, most people agree that education is rigid and outdated, which is often why students struggle to achieve academically. The education system was originally designed for an industrial era, whereas today, students need to be able to adapt to the rapidly changing and digital-first world. And yet the current education system still focuses on a one-size-fits-all approach that doesn’t cater to individual needs.
And as STEM, science, technology, engineering, and maths are rapidly becoming the main focus in the education system, in order to produce highly skilled individuals with creative minds that are capable of problem-solving, the demand for innovation is growing.
So, how can we use technology and design innovation to solve the education system conundrum? Well, here’s one eye-opening idea!
Kite- the world’s first AI-led education system. Designed to make learning more inclusive and accessible.
Imagine using AI software for schools that can identify individual learning styles in order to provide a student-centric approach to learning. Rather than lecture students and ask them to memorize facts and figures, the students are first put into groups based on how they absorb information. For instance, some students learn best through activities and social interaction. Others are more visual learners and can understand complex topics by watching documentaries and demonstrations. By adopting a dynamic learning model, Kite would help optimize the overall classroom experience and reduce stress and anxiety related to education and exams.
AI Education That Embraces Neurodiversity
It has been proven time and again, that people learn in several different ways. But with Kite, students would be given the opportunity to identify their own learning style and be taught in a way that is most effective for them.
Without Kite, kinesthetic learning might be given to a logical learner, who responds best to patterns and prefer to organize data. An aural learner may be taught a key lesson in maths but in a more traditional way, where they are asked to take notes or write an essay on the subject. And this would prove detrimental to their success in future exams.
By not paying attention to the different learning styles, the education system is failing its students. And this can cause a significant amount of stress and anxiety for those under the impression that they are ‘failing’ when in fact, the system is at fault. And when you consider data from the PISA (OCED’s Programme for International Student Assessment) that 71.9% of UK students are anxious about tests, even when they felt prepared, and 15% felt unhappy with their life, it’s safe to say that something must be done! ¹
Transforming The Future Of Education
“For any society, nothing matters more than the children, the seedcorn of its future. Education is for opening eyes and minds, and hearts. It is our task to enable all our children to have the educational opportunities to live life to the full, for themselves and for one another, for all of us on this planet.” Michael Morpurgo, author, poet, and playwright. ²
Kite, a Student Relationship Management system, could be designed and developed to help teachers understand how to provide extra support and accommodate a modern, dynamic classroom. Kite would aim to produce more well-rounded and happy students that see school as a place of creativity, wonder, and knowledge rather than a complex arena of rigid lessons, tests, and examinations.
The AI system would work by combining large sets of data with intelligent, iterative processing algorithms to learn from patterns and features in the data that it analyses. By asking students to take an interactive questionnaire, known as VARK, the system could identify groups of students with the same learning style. And this would help teachers to arrange their classrooms in a more strategic way and change their teaching style to generate better results overall.
Kite could be initially rolled out to universities and primary education providers first, with the aim of transforming education on a global scale over time. It would help to reshape the future of education completely!
We’d love to hear your thoughts on whether you think the current education system should be replaced with a concept like Kite!